Monday, June 30, 2008

I got to hold some pretty cute babies today. A friend of mine had twin baby girls on Sunday and I got to go and sniff them. I swear, every time I go to a baby ward in a hospital it is like a contagious disease for me. I get the baby sickness. It only seems to last for a few days, but I promise it is bad. Now for all intents and purposes, I don't really want tobe pregnant anymore and go through the whole baby thing again, but honestly, after you have seen how cute they are....... Now I knew this about myself and am glad that I knew it so I have been vaccinated against the "let's have a baby virus" but I am telling you, I would definately not have been immune to wanting another one after seeing how cute those little girls are. So let me just say congratulations Brianna and Caleb! I know that you don't even have a blog but I am so excited for you anyway!

Here is a pretty cute picture of Wyatt! I can't figure out how to get the babies pictures on here so just for effect.....

Friday, June 27, 2008

I love my job!

I was just thinking this morning how much i love what i do. There have been some days where i am so jealous at dale for getting to go to work in the mornings when i was stuck in the house all day. (days where all the kids have the flu, they wake up at 5 a.m.....again, days where i have the flu and the kids don't. you know what i mean.) But i would have to say that today is definately one of those days where i am not jealous. we are gonna just hang out today, slow down the pace, read books, have fun and enjoy this wonderful weather. And might i say that i am thankful to my wonderful husband who goes out on the high seas to pillage and plunder for us just so i can stay home.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My very first post

So, what would be a good topic to start your very first post on your very first blog? Let's see, well today went very well. I went to this silly active listening class over the weekend for work and was impressed. I am the first person to admit that i could use to work on my listening skills. I am somewhat distractable and appear as rude quite often, so when I was there, i definately tried to glean some wisdom from the class. Although i felt like such a dork, i went to work this morning determined to try out my new "listening skills" and to my amazement, it worked. I was pleasantly surprised by how much easier my job is if you just listen more and talk less. I think i will have to try that out more often. Okay, well that was a pretty successful day if i say so myself. And the best part of it is that i won't have to practice it in that situation until next week. So much time to practice on unsuspecting people in the meantime.