Monday, June 23, 2008

My very first post

So, what would be a good topic to start your very first post on your very first blog? Let's see, well today went very well. I went to this silly active listening class over the weekend for work and was impressed. I am the first person to admit that i could use to work on my listening skills. I am somewhat distractable and appear as rude quite often, so when I was there, i definately tried to glean some wisdom from the class. Although i felt like such a dork, i went to work this morning determined to try out my new "listening skills" and to my amazement, it worked. I was pleasantly surprised by how much easier my job is if you just listen more and talk less. I think i will have to try that out more often. Okay, well that was a pretty successful day if i say so myself. And the best part of it is that i won't have to practice it in that situation until next week. So much time to practice on unsuspecting people in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

wow that sounds great! so when it the next one, i want to go?

Anonymous said...

I can say I knew you back in the day!

Jaime said...


dany said...

what up, sistah! :) miss you guys!