Monday, July 28, 2008


just thought I don't have enough pictures on here!

The Scarlet Thread

I finished it! It has been a great last couple days of being kind of shelled up in a good book and what a great book it has been, but I am so happy to have it read. I know that sounds crazy, but reading is like an addiction to me. I can think of few other things that get done when I am in the middle of reading a good book. I don't think I have seen the sun for a while so today when I finally finished it, I went outside just to remember what it looked like. Just kidding about that last part.
Really, I just got done reading The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers. She is a wonderful author that writes historical fiction. She used to be a romance writer and about twenty years ago became a christian. I am glad she did! I am kind of bummed though because there is only one of her books that I have not read yet. I don't think she is actively writing anymore. The end is near so I will have to read her others again. No really, I really try to only read a book every now and then these days, I know that sounds crazy because reading is supposed to be good for the brain, but sometimes even things that are good for you can be a hindrance. That's my recent opinion about books. So I will not be posting another opinion about a book for a while.
If anyone is interested, the book is very good and kind of parallels two women's lives. One woman was living during the 1850's and was on the Oregon Train, and the other had her entire world uprooted when her husband decided on a sudden career change. To make matters short, it had history, romance, good character build-up and a great story line. If anyone wants to borrow it, let me know!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No country for old what?

So last night I decided to watch the movie "No Country For Old Men". It came in the mail, Dale was at work, and I seriously needed to sit down and rest for a while. So instead of reading my bible or doing something constructive like I really should have been doing, I decided to waste a good two hours of my life (might I say that I will never get those hours back). Anyway, I will get on with my point now. I guess I have to ask....if anyone has seen that movie and got an actual point out of it, please let me know. I still don't actually understand what the movie was trying to get across. It just ended! I kind of wanted to watch it again just to see if I missed something but then I would probabaly be upset that I wasted even more time with it. I thought the acting was good though. If anyone got something out of that movie feel free to let me know. And I still don't understand why it is called that. And I also think the bad guy in this movie is extremely creepy he is probably the most creepy bad guy I have seen, besides Freddy Krueger.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Talk About Relaxing!!

What a nice weekend we had. I am a little sad to see it go actually. Isn't that the way it usually is with weekends? I think if you ask me though, I can't see too much we could have done differently this weekend. Actually slowing the pace down, not doing much of anything and just the right amount of hanging out with friends made it absolutely wonderful. I hope I haven't been completely lazy because that would stink to have to shake out of that at work tommorrow. It has been nice while it lasted.

Here are some exciting new things:
--Just booked a vacation spot on San Onofre Beach near Camp Pendleton, very cool!
--Got a nice rain tonight and cooled the house off enough to actually sleep tonight.
--The kids are all tucked nicely into their beds.
--We have some really great friends.
--My birthday is this week!
--Did I mention that we are taking a much needed vacation in August, actually the best part is the planning so if anyone has any suggestions for cool things to do in California, send them this way.

Okay, I am done blubbering now. Happy reading.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Gotta love it

It's July 4th! I love this time of year, a swamp cooler puts a little bit of a damper on just how quickly it should go away and be cooler again, but needless to say, I just love the attitude that comes with the middle of summer. Back home in Indiana, so many memories of cool summer weather that you could actually have barbeques outside without needing a swimming pool flood my mind. I remember lazy summer days filled with lemonade and iced tea, hot dogs, burgers and chips. Boy, if that isn't the epitome of the American dream then what is. Anyway, with all this rambling, I almost forgot on this great holiday to enjoy life and be with family and friends. So today I am thinking of doing that to the fullest. Thanks to Mischel and Mark for opening up their house to an entire town full of people including us. Happy fourth of July!

Monday, June 30, 2008

I got to hold some pretty cute babies today. A friend of mine had twin baby girls on Sunday and I got to go and sniff them. I swear, every time I go to a baby ward in a hospital it is like a contagious disease for me. I get the baby sickness. It only seems to last for a few days, but I promise it is bad. Now for all intents and purposes, I don't really want tobe pregnant anymore and go through the whole baby thing again, but honestly, after you have seen how cute they are....... Now I knew this about myself and am glad that I knew it so I have been vaccinated against the "let's have a baby virus" but I am telling you, I would definately not have been immune to wanting another one after seeing how cute those little girls are. So let me just say congratulations Brianna and Caleb! I know that you don't even have a blog but I am so excited for you anyway!

Here is a pretty cute picture of Wyatt! I can't figure out how to get the babies pictures on here so just for effect.....

Friday, June 27, 2008

I love my job!

I was just thinking this morning how much i love what i do. There have been some days where i am so jealous at dale for getting to go to work in the mornings when i was stuck in the house all day. (days where all the kids have the flu, they wake up at 5 a.m.....again, days where i have the flu and the kids don't. you know what i mean.) But i would have to say that today is definately one of those days where i am not jealous. we are gonna just hang out today, slow down the pace, read books, have fun and enjoy this wonderful weather. And might i say that i am thankful to my wonderful husband who goes out on the high seas to pillage and plunder for us just so i can stay home.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My very first post

So, what would be a good topic to start your very first post on your very first blog? Let's see, well today went very well. I went to this silly active listening class over the weekend for work and was impressed. I am the first person to admit that i could use to work on my listening skills. I am somewhat distractable and appear as rude quite often, so when I was there, i definately tried to glean some wisdom from the class. Although i felt like such a dork, i went to work this morning determined to try out my new "listening skills" and to my amazement, it worked. I was pleasantly surprised by how much easier my job is if you just listen more and talk less. I think i will have to try that out more often. Okay, well that was a pretty successful day if i say so myself. And the best part of it is that i won't have to practice it in that situation until next week. So much time to practice on unsuspecting people in the meantime.